1. Basic Information
- Item Name: Mercury 7
- Item Type: Weapon
- Release date: 3317
- Industries: Craftsmen Factories
2. Technical Information
- Type: Laser
- Quality: Elite (Niode)
- Tier: XI (11)
- Damage: 112
- Speed: 107
- Capabilities:
- Analysis: TBD
3. Requirements:
- Pilot Level for legal acquisition: 62
- Acquisition Limit: 75 (scalar)
- Acquirable in:
- Freddie Mercury's Memorial
- Temporary Offers
- Mech pre-installed: Rudolph/Reindeer (1 unit)
- Cost on single acquisition:
- Niodes: 44
- Ferrite: 1,962
- Bioptics: 1,208
- Bulk (5 units): 176
5. Notes:
- Freddie Mercury was a legendary singer on Old Terra, remembered and revered even a thousand years after his age. The seven is a reference to one of Mercury's successes: "Made in heaven". Many of his hits are still reproduced in the rock tunes of some pilots during combat.
(By GJ - 685605)